Water District buys land in Citrus County

The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (District) Governing Board has approved the purchase of Jordan Ranch, a 191-acre parcel of land adjacent to District-owned Two-Mile Prairie State Forest in Citrus County.

This important property purchase is within 1,000 feet of the Withlacoochee River and will allow the District to provide enhanced protection of natural systems, including wetlands and uplands with well-drained soils that contribute to aquifer recharge. This acquisition meets all four of the District’s Areas of Responsibility, which are water supply, water quality, flood control and natural systems. 

Jordan Ranch is approximately 45% wetlands and includes xeric hammock (an evergreen forest on well-drained sandy soils), pine flatwoods and freshwater marshes. The western boundary of Jordan Ranch adjoins Two-Mile Prairie State Forest which is owned by the District and managed by the Florida Forest Service (FFS). 

The parcel is being purchased for approximately $1.5 million with funds from the Florida Forever Trust Fund. Acquisition of Jordan Ranch is consistent with the District’s Florida Forever Workplan and falls almost entirely within the Florida Wildlife Corridor identified within the Nature Coast Critical Linkages.

The Jordan Ranch is located within unincorporated Citrus County along State Road 200.